Our first success story. This is Lilac and Violet, the sisters of Duke, Daisy and Prince. They were adopted together and are living the good life in their furever home. They are now known as Sophie and Sasha. Special thanks goes to Cat Rangers in Buford, Georgia for helping find the purrfect home for these 2 kittens.
Our first official adoption as Back Street Kittens. This is Lopez, our black panther with his new mom and dad and kitty brother Skeeter. Lopez is from our very first rescue, the group called The Hooligans! This little guy is going to have a “fabulous” life with his new family! Another precious black panther was adopted on Oct. 25, 2019. This is Alvin with his new brother Vincent and his new mom and dad. Alvin is a part of our Chipmunk group.Theodore was adopted on January 2, 2020. He is Alvin’s brother, another Chipmunk! Theodore has 2 kitties, 1 dog and 4 human siblings. Our sweet little siamese Orchid (on the floor) with her new big brother Fuzz. She was part of the Backyard Kitties. Her beautiful black sister Iris is still available for adoption.
Apollo (part of our Phoenix group) and Clarissa (part of the Stormdrain group) were adopted together on April 2, 2020. They are going to have a wonderful life with their new family.
Our sweet Sebastion, being held by his new mommy. He has a new kitty sister too! He is a part of our Stormdrain group. Adopted April 26, 2020 Our most precious Athena was adopted on April 27, 2020. She has a new mommy and daddy to love her furever! She is part of our Phoenix group.This is our sweet Daphne with her girl. She was adopted with her brother Zeus on May 2, 2020. Part of the Phoenix Group. And this is brother Zeus with his girl. Adopted May 2, 2020. He is part of the Phoenix Group
This is our very special Nate with his new big brother and momma. This is a match made in heaven. Jordan just loves his little Nate, now named Kimo! Foster to Adopt on May 25, 2020. His official adoption will be completed on the day of his neuter surgery which will be awhile since he doesn’t even weigh 2 pounds yet.
Duke, one of the kitties that was part of the inspiration for Back Street Kittens finally found his furever family! He will have a younger kitty brother and an older doggie brother. We are so happy for this guy. We wish him a long and happy life. We will miss this sweet dearly. Adopted June 6, 2020